See how many froggies you can get too string ;D

Tuesday 30 October 2012

SCAMMER! Be Aware.

The Greetings Never Came. I knew it would be a scam but I just wanted to test to see if she was naughty or nice. Phahha. This happened about 10 minutes ago. But she never thought to block me so I couldn't post this anywhere. I'm also sending this to moviestarplanet. I also just happened to notice she deleted me. She's level 9 she should know better. She may be level 9 but she sure acts like a 5 year old.

1 comment:

  1. i was just about to be scammed he was asking for my pass so i didnt tell him at all cause i can see how he looks like i dont think so i can trust him :P


Feed My Fishyss :')